08 July 2009

so i quit my job. i know, pretty irresponsible of me. especially bc i need to be saving up to move in september, but that job was waring me down. i hated the thought of going. i have never been the one to quit a job before having another one lined up. soooo- I am now a dog walker and i love every day of it. even though it is barely scrappin me by, I feel so much better, so much happier- getting out into the city exploring and getting exercise. I have been riding my bike to the dogs house followed by the 45 minute walk that minni gets. yesterday i ran there. 1.4 miles each way. pretty sore today that's for sure. stephanie and i have been playing soccer the past few days too. finding a plot of grass big enough to play isn't the easiest in dc. but on another failed attempt into an abandoned mental asylum we ran into a huge park right across the anacostia bridge. there is also a perfect size beach on the river for the dogs to cool off in the water and intimidate the wading ducks. lots more free time equates to a lot more adventures. and i have a growing list of things i want to do before we move, that's for sure. so, digging into my savings is quite ok with my girls at my side and a smile on my face

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