16 July 2007

1 Euro = 1.3769 U.S. dollars

"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travels sake. The great affair is to move." -Robert Louis Stevenson

This is the first time I wasn't excited to leave. But now that I'm gone I feel refreshed. It's good for me to get away- to regain perspective. It's like I'm lost in a timeless cycle. Quite possibly a digression. We flew here w nothing planned and we are definitely ready for the challenge and unknown adventure. Going w the flow has always proved itself worthy.

Every morning we walk down the narrow sidewalks to the corner store dragging our fingers up and down the ridged metal garage doors hoping the store will be open. It's not as convenient as America. An old man walks home, hands full of groceries and a daughter and her mother fight over who will carry theirs.
The Spanish language makes every petty statement sound intriguing and beautiful.
I have noticed hardly any litter, making me hesitant to trash my cig on the curb.
I love how fast cars charge around the turns and how I'm still drawn to walk in the streets because they are as wide as our sidewalks in America.

A parrot was whistling as one would to a beautiful woman

San Juan- the longest day of the year, first day of summer
The subway flooded w kids our age all heading to the same place. We were few in the masses of people as far as you could see on both sides. People drinking, streaking and running into the sea, setting off fireworks in every direction (as they had been the whole week in preparation). Some people had tents- knowing and willing to pass out and they did. This one night seemed to be the night to forget about responsibilities and to live. It's their independence day, in a way, freedom from thoughts in order to be as impulsive as they wish. And we joined them

Up the street from our hostel Jeff and I heard music coming from a house.
We just walked right up this ladder to the back balcony like we were invited. Like we come there all the time. I was handed a sparkler and we leaned up against the balcony to watch the fireworks over the city still going off on the beach we had just left. There was a little walkway into the house, like a bridge overlooking the pool. We had to push our way through hoping nobody would stop us or talk to us in Spanish and blow our cover. The house was a true house party.
3 tables of liquor. We helped ourselves and continued on into the living room where there was a dj. They were lighting their sparklers so I lit mine on someone's and danced circles.

I tried to get the pigeons to eat off my stomach but they wouldn't
There was an old man sitting -manually turning a music box. Looked like he hadn't spoken in years, much less been spoken to. The creases around his mouth were frozen to frown which contrasted his cheery tunes.

"There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. that's how your whole life will feel some day" -invisible monsters.

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